Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

SDA is the physical environment (house) of a NDIS participant that has been specifically designed for individuals with high support needs and disability access requirements.

The NDIS provides SDA funding for participants with high support needs so that they can have more choice and control around where they live, while ensuring that their homes meet their disability access needs.

SDA homes provide accessible features to help participants live more independently and allow other supports to be delivered in a better way or more safely.

Kitchen that is specifically designed for individual with high support needs
Image Credit: AbilitySDA

How can we support you?

Kern’s qualified assessors use their experience in completing comprehensive functional assessments to determine whether the NDIS participant meets the criteria for access to SDA funding.

To meet SDA eligibility, there needs to be proof of extreme functional impairment and very high support needs.

The assessment involves:

  • A detailed assessment of the participants functional capacity, environment access needs and support requirements to access eligibility.
  • An evaluation of the participant’s housing goal and how SDA will help them to meet that goal.

What do you need to get started?

  • A current NDIS plan.
  • A NDIS goal around housing.
  • 20 hours of NDIS Capacity Building Daily Living funding.

Kern Allied Health therapist with client

Where does Kern provide SDA Assessments?

SDA Assessments should be completed in the participants home and some can be completed by Telehealth, similarly to a Functional Capacity Assessment.

Our qualified assessors can provide SDA assessments across our usual mobile therapy locations. Visit our mobile therapy page below to view all of the areas we service.

Enquire now!

To enquire about our SDA assessments, please call our friendly Client Engagement Team on 1300 122 155 or, alternatively, click on the button below to complete an online referral form for yourself or your loved one.

Two Kern Allied Health staff members working side by side

Other Specialised Services

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

Pressure Mapping Assessments

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Exercise Physiology

Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA)